Expanding Your Divine Light!
Each episode is a divine flow of relevant information to assist you in expanding your consciousness. Make the choice to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that are being made available to you each time you tune in: heaven on Earth, multidimensional Earth experiences, and cosmic wisdom to assist in creating the new world - transmitted by Debbie Hagedorn.
Season 3 & 4 Intro Music by Joystock - https://www.joystock.org
Expanding Your Divine Light!
Contemplating the Christ in Christmas ... and A Gift Request To Make For Yourself!
So much is changing ... and so quickly! This leads me to ask ...
How are you doing, dear one? Truly, you and I, we were made for these times. Remember there is nothing you are experiencing that is doing anything less than serving your highest good. Every experience contains a gift in the opportunity for you to learn, let go, and expand.
Whenever you feel stuck, ASK your highest self, your divine self, and your soul for help. You are not walking this ascension path alone.
In contemplating the true reality of the Christmas holiday that is before all who celebrate it, I share some musings and observations with you in this episode.
Listen in to receive activations and energetic upgrades that allow you to find your own unique blend of holiday magic, no matter which holidays you choose to celebrate ... or not.
You will also receive a unique way of asking for expansion and receiving more of who you truly are ... just for some extra holiday fun!
As with anything I share, I invite you to try on new ideas like you might try on a new pair of shoes. If they feel like a potential fit, walk around in them for awhile. If you find they don't suit you at all, simply return them to the shelf.
ALWAYS follow the guidance in YOUR heart. It will NEVER steer you wrong.
I love you!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for listening!
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To learn more about the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed: https://www.precisionwellness.energy/