Expanding Your Divine Light!

Your Command: Your Most Powerful Tool ... THY Will Be Done!

December 16, 2021 Season 1 Episode 43

Perhaps, like me as a child, you learned in church a prayer that invoked the will of God to be made known to those who spoke this prayer.

Upon consideration, it feels as though somehow this prayer left me believing I was simply a small human, one without direction, and that, by myself, I was powerless to bring about useful change to my reality.

When, in fact, and as I know now ...

it is each one of us that holds our own power to command all that we desire into being.

We are not separate from God.

That said, "empty" words are not commands. 

The frequency your words contain is important.

Listen in to receive activations and frequencies that will assist you in opening doors ... allowing you to explore your own power of command.

It's time to fine tune the frequency that is you, thereby leveling up your ability to create the reality you truly desire.

Yes, you are this amazing, dear one!

I love you!

Thanks for listening!

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