Expanding Your Divine Light!
Each episode is a divine flow of relevant information to assist you in expanding your consciousness. Make the choice to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that are being made available to you each time you tune in: heaven on Earth, multidimensional Earth experiences, and cosmic wisdom to assist in creating the new world - transmitted by Debbie Hagedorn.
Season 3 & 4 Intro Music by Joystock - https://www.joystock.org
Expanding Your Divine Light!
How a (Literal) Tiny Seed Impacts Faith
I posted a sticky note on my kitchen wall in 2023 that (still) says "ascension doesn't happen without faith."
Faith has been on the minds of many this week according to the numerous social media posts I've been seeing.
Faith, like many spiritual topics of conversation, is rather abstract at first appearance.
I task myself with taking the abstract and grounding it into nature with the intention of opening more hearts to what is possible as we all do the work to create the new world.
I realize even "the new world" is rather abstract at this time.
I'd say it's a frequency thing, and frequency is the future, but until this knowing is felt in the heart, these words, too, don't usually hit home.
If you allow yourself to listen to my words - no matter which episode you choose to listen to - you will receive the codes your system needs to unlock things at a very precise, predetermined time for you.
This is how energy works. This assures you that you will never receive more than you have the strength to work through.
Are you open to having faith as a grain of mustard seed?
Listen in and make the choice - to know and grow into your pure potential.
Thanks for listening!
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Hello, dear ones. Welcome back, and welcome. Today is Friday, March 7, 2025.
And ... what's asking to come through me started with a short, written post that I shared on social media this week, and it was regarding faith, F A I T H, faith.
When I was a child, my grandma gave me a gift. It was a ring and a necklace that I recall. And both had a little bangle hanging off of them that was a clear heart. And in the middle of each heart was a mustard seed. And also attached to each one of these pieces was a small gold piece that had words etched into them with something to the effect of "If ye have faith in a grain of mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible unto ye."
And, of course, this is a Bible verse, perhaps multiple Bible verses. And, of course, as a child, I ... I suppose the, the grandeur of this, the importance of this, the significance of this Bible verse went over my head at the time ...
but to this day I carry this gift and this knowing with me - that I have always been divinely guided, supported, both here in the seen and in the unseen ... arriving at this very moment with the knowing that faith - faith is imperative for our journey right now.
And the mustard seed is yet another example that nature gives to us. Within this seed, this very, very tiny seed, one can find the potential of the universe. No different if you look to the acorn, which also holds its pure potential within.
For allowing its own process to unfold each one of these seeds - the mustard seed and the acorn - they will unfold into something magnificent. Allowing their process. Having patience. Knowing that it is their birthright to unfold into exactly that which they are meant to be.
In the case of the mustard seed, to grow into a mustard plant that is productive on many levels. In the case of the acorn, to grow into a majestic oak tree. The benefits of both of these plants far reaching. One more long lasting than the other, but that is neither here nor there.
"If ye have faith like the grain of mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible unto ye."
And just like that mustard seed, you and me, we all hold pure potential. Everything that our life's journey has always been designed to be is being held inside of us. Which means everything that we perceive as lack or less than, everything that has been programmed into us over years and lifetimes, it's time for us to make the choice to cleanse, to clear, to dissolve, to let go of the programming - to make the choice to recognize our own unique pure potential that is readily available within each one of us. In faith.
Something I can share: This week - I actually out loud called it an epiphany - I was out shoveling snow, and I've been working through what I've known for a long time would be one of my greatest challenges - perhaps the greatest challenge - and that is money.
My epiphany was that money equals money. And on the surface that sounds like a no brainer. I know. But in my system, it was truly an epiphany that I have assigned meaning to money.
I worked through, I went through, I attended a five-day free activation series with someone. And in one of the latter sessions of this period of five days, she asked what it would mean to be able to achieve a money goal. And for everyone, of course, that goal was different. I did notice mine was the smallest of those that shared. And my answer, the answer, the word that came through was freedom.
So, spelling that out, money equals freedom. Clearly, that's a mismatch. Money doesn't equal freedom. Money doesn't equal anything but money. And money is just an energy.
And what has this got to do with faith? Well, for me, I have no income. Within the next day or two, I will use all but about the last $100 of cash that I have to pay my mortgage. I have applied for many and multiple jobs and have zero results to show for that.
And what it feels like for me is that I have to transcend money. And I do this with great willingness and an open heart. Because with each step that I take, I'm deepening my faith. And it all comes back to that tiny little mustard seed in the jewelry set that my grandma gave to me when I was a young child.
Full circle. Knowing that every step that I've taken, every experience that I've had, everything that I've worked through, transmuted, or alchemized has brought me to this point.
And I choose to do nothing that is not a hell yes in my heart. I choose this because I choose to create the new world. And I know this requires me to hold a high frequency.
I know this requires me to find the peace that surpasses all understanding. My mind isn't the main player of this game of life anymore. I don't understand it. But I feel in my heart, in my body, and I know that I have access to all that I need ...
because I, and you, we all hold our own pure potential within us.
Semantics - it's hard to bring this down to a level that is grounded here on earth.
But this looks like keeping your feet on the ground, showing up every day with a knowing in your heart that you are here for greatness. That you do only that which is in front of you today, and the next day, and the next day.
That it's okay to let go of everything that no longer serves your highest good. What does this look like? Perhaps it's relationships, perhaps it's jobs, perhaps it's habits, perhaps it's things, perhaps it's location. Letting go can be applied across every facet of life. And when you shift energy in one place, perhaps it's clearing out your closet, you can be assured things will shift in other areas of your life as well. Because it's all connected.
See yourself as the mustard seed. In the grand scheme of this universe, so very tiny. See yourself as the acorn. But what is possible, the pure potential that lies within you and me, this is what is asked, this is what is asking to be revealed. One step at a time. In faith. Knowing that you are not alone. You are fully supported, both in the seen and the unseen.
There is, truly, nothing to fear. And I'm simply here to stand with you. To invite you into seeing your own pure potential. And when you're stuck, simply pause and place your hand on your heart. And breathe. And ask to remember your connection to God. To all that is.
Slow down your life right now. Allow yourself to let go. Ask to be filled in with the light of God. No matter what your life experience looks like, these things are available to all who choose faith.
I love you, dear one. I appreciate your presence here. Please share these recordings as you are called to. I have a mentor who says that "no one is free until each is free and all are freeing each other."
We're doing this together. Together, we rise. I love you.