Expanding Your Divine Light!

Connecting the Dots Between Human Health and Nature

Debbie Hagedorn Season 5 Episode 1

Simple observation shows us the people in our families, our neighborhoods, and our communities do not enjoy good health.

The truth - none of these people will know good health as long as they believe their current health care system has their best interests at heart.

There is a great chasm between what has been taught - essentially the absence of nature - and the divine knowing that nature is the essence of who we are as humans here on this planet.

I remain committed to creating a bridge over this chasm, one which is strong enough to hold the masses and multitudes of people I believe will choose good health and their own unique path to Eden on Earth. 

I will do whatever God asks of me to bring forth the frequencies that are required for healing, good health, and wellness.

Nature is my heart. I live the frequencies of Eden. I place my faith in God, and I know that wonderful things are on the horizon for all who choose these things for themselves.

I invite you to listen - not with your ears but rather with your heart - and receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that are being made available to you within this recording.

Thanks for listening!

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 Welcome back, and welcome, dear ones. Today is Friday, February 28, 2025. 

What's on my mind is the great divide between humans and nature. And I feel strongly in my heart that it's a direct reflection of the level of poor health, chronic illness, un-wellness, sickness, disease ...

The high level of these things within the people of my country (and probably this planet) is in direct relation to their disconnection from nature: a reliance on systems that don't have their best interests at heart, fear of things that are free - from nature - that will serve your body, my body, our bodies, in the highest possible way, created by programming, from those who know that if you are afraid of those things, that you will continue to be reliant on their system. 

Meanwhile, sickness increases, the system gets richer, and nothing really changes. That is the way of the old world. 

Pills that are prescribed are not meant to make us well.  They never will. 

The more dependent someone is on the system, the more money the system makes. 

And I know in my heart, and I've been speaking to it, trying to put the pieces together for years now, that there is an absolute correlation between your connection to nature, which you have, but so many have forgotten, and how much good health you experience. 

How do these things weave together? This is my journey.  Finding the trifecta of  things - people, nature, health, plants.  I know plants are healing. I know nature holds all of the answers for us to experience good health and move into wellness. 

I take a simple look around me at my neighbors, the people in my community, at my family (not including my kids), and most are not well. Most are not in good health. Many, so many, are chronically unwell, are chronically sick, are fighting disease, are taking pills, and they still trust a system that has failed them over and over and over again. That berates them for saying no, for standing up for things they don't feel are the right choices, according to the doctor. 

No more.

I will open my heart and my energetic system to allow the light of God, God's will,  the creative flow of my divinity to come through me - to find a way to help the masses remember, for them to claim their power back, for them to know good health, for their bodies to be strong, so they are able to enjoy life, to remember  that sunshine is their friend, and that earth will help them to balance the voltage in their system.  

Healing is voltage. Low voltage equates to illness. We improve our voltage by spending time outside, in the sunshine, with our bare feet on the ground, leaning against a tree, moving our bodies, sitting in the water ... all of the things. 

Nature has to be more than a picture on the wall. 

Nature is who we are in our hearts. 

The more you try to control nature, the further you move away from good health and wellness. 

I see it. I have worked for decades in the green industry. I see it in the landscapes. I see it in the farmland. I see it. I know it. We've depleted our soils. The foods that are grown do not have the nutrients that are necessary to support good health. 

There is nothing about the systems of the old world that support us. Nothing. 

It's inherent in our being, if we're just willing to let go of all that no longer serves our highest good. Ask for help. 

"Help me let go of all that is no longer serving my highest good right now. And dear God, fill in every empty space that is created with the light of God right now. Help me to see truth. Help me to shed all of the lies and the illusions and the deceit that has been covering up who I truly am for far too long."

"Dear God, walk with me. Help me to remember my connection to nature. Help me to know those things that I enjoyed as a child - the unicorns, the fairies, all of the elementals - that they're still here, on a much higher frequency than most of us, which means we cannot see them, but they are real."

This is the playground that God created for us to enjoy, to know abundance, to dance in, to unify as one people, to grow and expand from within us, allowing the frequencies that are of God to come through our hearts.

Eden is real. It's here. It's a frequency that is unmistakable. I know Eden. Eden is my heart. 

Eden comes through in the work that I do outside. In these spaces, the opportunity is always available for good health to come through to all who choose to open their hearts and receive. 

I make the commitment to myself that while I cannot see the path in front of me, I will keep taking steps because I know that God is with me. I choose to walk my highest path. Thy will be done, dear God. 

I will do what it takes, whatever it takes, to remember Eden, and be an example for all who choose to do the same for themselves. 

I don't believe it looks the same for everyone, and that's okay. Each one of us is having our own unique experience. But I know for certain, for a fact, with every fiber in my being, that you will not know Eden until you let go of control, make your way back to nature. 

And I believe the path begins, most importantly, with returning to good health.  Without good health, nothing else matters. 

And whatever that looks like for me, however I am called to share, I will continue to do so. I would invite you to subscribe to this podcast, to sign up for my newsletter. 

I can't promise consistency for the duration of 2025 because I don't know what my path looks like, and that's okay. 

But I want you to know that I hold space for you and your own growth and expansion, whatever that looks like for you. 

And I want you to know there is always love here for you. No matter what. Let the past be in the past. Never mind about the future.  Be present with me. 

It is in presence that we receive the gifts that God has always intended for us.

And in moments of unrest, or anxiousness, or anger, to stop, just pause. Place your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and just breathe. Come back to presence. 

Acceptance for what is. Forgiveness for what has gone awry ... for choices made that perhaps weren't of the highest. Acceptance, forgiveness, and love. 

I love you, dear one. 

Together we rise.