Expanding Your Divine Light!
Each episode is a divine flow of relevant information to assist you in expanding your consciousness. Make the choice to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that are being made available to you each time you tune in: heaven on Earth, multidimensional Earth experiences, and cosmic wisdom to assist in creating the new world - transmitted by Debbie Hagedorn.
Season 3 & 4 Intro Music by Joystock - https://www.joystock.org
Expanding Your Divine Light!
Know Thyself
Beloved souls ...
will you choose to continue taking one step at a time ...
to know thyself on a deeper level than has ever been available to us as humans?
Will you choose to do the work that is required ...
that will allow us to receive our divinity within our beautiful, blessed human bodies?
Will you say yes to walking your highest path in 2024 and beyond?
Listen in to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that will serve all who say yes ... all who are willing to know thyself to the very core of their being.
Go within, dear ones.
Your divinity is speaking to you now.
Thanks for listening!
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To learn more about the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed: https://www.precisionwellness.energy/