Expanding Your Divine Light!
Each episode is a divine flow of relevant information to assist you in expanding your consciousness. Make the choice to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that are being made available to you each time you tune in: heaven on Earth, multidimensional Earth experiences, and cosmic wisdom to assist in creating the new world - transmitted by Debbie Hagedorn.
Season 3 & 4 Intro Music by Joystock - https://www.joystock.org
Expanding Your Divine Light!
Next Level Love ... Are You Ready For Yours?
Love is.
It really is that simple.
Love is the baseline frequency of all that exists on this planet ...
and most lack access because they are afraid to let go of all that is keeping them from it.
Accessing next level love isn't easy.
Doing so requires us to let go of those things we are attached to or are co-dependent on.
Letting go requires us to tap into our next level of courage.
In the words of Sara Bareilles, "show me ... how big your brave is."
Will you choose to do the work ... again and again?
Listen in and receive the codes and activations that will help you achieve your next level love ... allow the unfolding to happen in perfect time for you.
And while it is always your choice, all that I speak of is required before you will be able to experience Eden ... heaven on Earth ... as life was originally intended.
I love you.
Thanks for listening!
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To learn more about the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed: https://www.precisionwellness.energy/